Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Skiing C:

Monday 15th of August 2016 Room one went to Porters Skiing Place. :O
We all had to get up really early in the morning to get to school on time, and leave to go to Porters. o.o Mum told me to get up at 5;00am but I got up about 5;30am. (x At 6;30am my pop came to pick me up and take me to school. o3o
When my pop and I were driving to school there was no one around but a few cats meowing and attacking each other. e.e

When we got to school Pop parked up Rata Street so we had to walk up the hill/driveway v-v Mostly everyone was at school already, not everyone was though. c;  We all had to be at school by 6;45am, because we had to leave at 7;00, 20 minutes before I would normally get up. ;o;  (the trip was going to take about 2 hours to get there). On the way there we played ‘Who Am I?’ Tara said we can’t do a plant or just  something that had never walked, so I did a plant that had walked. ;D I did the sunflower of Plants Vs Zombies, I don’t remember if anyone guessed it or not. O;

When we got to the ski field we had to line up (well it wasn’t really a line it was a lot of random circles of people o-o) to get into the place where we got out ski boots and skis. Only a few people could go in at once. We had to tell the person who got out boots for us our names and the the lady I told my name too though my name was vern v-v People think that’s my name a lot anyways so I didn’t really care. >-> At first I couldn’t put my boot on, so someone came over to help me. ;D We only got one boot on so that some dude could fit your boots to your skis. I was waiting in line for ever. D: Everyone kept pushing in front of me. -.- When I finally got my boots on after moving to a different line I went outside with Tara and we went up to the ski field.

When we were at the ski field I got really nervous, because I had never skied before. C= Some dude told us to go over to where this lady was, she was gonna teach us how to ski. (; First she got us to put on our left ski first and walk around for a while and go up and go on the magic carpet. We had to do this with the right ski as well. When we had done that and put on both of our skis, we could go on the magic carpet and go down the beginners slope. One time I went got to the top of the beginners slope, I accidently went down the slope and I couldn’t stop, because I didn’t know how to stop propally. >.< The skiing teacher told me how to stop properly. She first showed me then I tried, but she had to stop me. ;-; I don’t know why she stopped me but it hurt, because she pretty much winded me. ;D

After a while I was kind of getting sick of just being on the beginners slope so I tried showing Ms Kemp my skiing and turning, I had to show Ms Kemp a few times, because I couldn’t do it right the other times. (; When I finally got it I went up the magic carpet to Ms Martin and tell her the password to get onto the intermediate slope. Lisa (Molly’s mum) was going to come down the intermediate slope with me.  When I tried to get onto the thing that you sit on that take you up to the top of the slope I fell of trying to get on. O-o I tried to get on again and I didn’t even get a quarter of the way up to the top. v-v When Lisa came up on the lift thing she said she would meet me at the bottom.. >-> When I finally got up I couldn’t stop (again ;o;) so I just went along with it and went to the bottom of the beginners slope. :D (Sorry Lisa ;O;)

After that I didn’t want to ski anymore so Tara and I went up to this hill thing covered in snow. :D Tara and I started climbing up it and then sliding down. ;* We were trying to make stairs so we could climb up them and then slide down the same spot to make it easier to get up and down. Other people started to come over and climbing up the snow hill thing with us and sliding down. :3 (The part on the front of the ski boots that clipped into the skis is the part that we kicked into the snow to stay there and make the stairs). We also couldn’t go under the dirt banks because they could have fallen on us. ._.

We had to stop climbing up the hill snow thing, because well I don’t actually know. x__x Tara and I went back over to our skis and it looked like someone had placed them on the ground. o-o It went my ski, Tara’s ski my ski and then Tara’s ski again. I had also put my fluffy blue glasses on the brakes of my skis and the keas had got to them. v-v I knew that I should have put them on or took them with me but I didn’t want to. o-o I looked over the fence and I could see some of the blue fluff that went around the glasses scattered everywhere. e-o

I do not enjoy skiing. O-o I don’t actually know why I didn’t enjoy skiing I just don’t. End of story. Something good about going skiing though is that I got to learn how to ski. :D Another thing I did enjoy that wasn’t skiing was climbing up the hill thing and sliding down. .___.  Even though I didn’t enjoy skiing I think I would ski again? Maybe, I might be better at it because I would have skied before and I would know what to do? xD


  1. Nice story Fern,well written.I love your honesty even though its a shame you didnt enjoy skiing i know you still had a wonderful adventure and im sure if you went skiing again you would enjoy it more.Do you still miss your blue fluffy goggles?

  2. Nice story Fern,well written.I love your honesty even though its a shame you didnt enjoy skiing i know you still had a wonderful adventure and im sure if you went skiing again you would enjoy it more.Do you still miss your blue fluffy goggles?


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