Wednesday, 13 September 2017

My Speech :DD

Show an increasing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences.

Context: Rotary Speech Competition and the New Zealand Elections

Success Criteria: we will have met our learning intentions when we can
-Plan our speech using Coggle
-Construct texts that show an awareness of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of content, language, and text form.
-Convey and sustain personal voice where appropriate.
-Write and film our own version of an “edTalk” to share with our peers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my girl. Well this speech you have so beautifully written has been quite a wee journey for you. You spoke from the heart and it must have been great to stand up there in front of everyone and show how through all of it you stayed true to who you are, that quirky is fabulous, how strong it has made you and the wonderful friends you have become so close to along the way. I am one very proud mum and i love you very much xxxxx


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